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Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Premeds and Post-Bacc Students

Don’t let your social media profiles injure your chances of getting into a post-bacc program or medical school. Here are tips for smart curation.

Exploring Specialties Before Medical School

You don’t need to choose your specialty before medical school, but exploring options as a pre-med can strengthen your understanding of what doctors do.

What Kinds of Special Master’s Programs Are There?

A special master’s program (SMP) is a post-bacc that confers a graduate degree and prepares pre-meds to apply to medical school. Find out which type to choose.

How Military Experience Can Support Your Pre-Med Post-Bacc Success

Active duty servicemember or military veteran? Here’s how to show medical school admissions committees the special qualities you bring to the table.

Post‑Bacc Pre‑Med Program Rankings

Best Post‑Bacc Degrees

  1. Georgetown University
  2. Johns Hopkins University
  3. Lewis University
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Best Post‑Bacc Certificates

  1. Bryn Mawr College
  2. Johns Hopkins University
  3. Scripps College
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Best Value Post‑Bacc Degrees

  1. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
  2. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
  3. Georgetown University
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Best Value Post‑Bacc Certificates

  1. Adelphi University
  2. Rider University
  3. Georgetown University
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* Financial aid is available for those who qualify.

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